Owning Time

Owning Time


As summer sets in, we gain time. Or at least it feels that way when we have more daylight. We wake up to the sun slipping through our windows instead of the darkness encouraging us to stay in bed when we want to get out for our morning run.

In the evening, after dinner runs can become a thing when you have hours of daylight in the evenings-my favorite time of day to run in the summer. 

With this illusion of extra time and better weather we many have a greater tendency to get out for our scheduled runs but there are still challenges of scheduling and time.  

Our community has expressed to us over and over again that limited time is the biggest challenge in regards to making their run happen. So we want to provide you with the best tactics for beating this challenge and owning your time this summer.

1. The Just a Couple Miles Rule

I constantly hear people say that three miles just isn't worth it. I say screw that idea. Three miles is some time to yourself, gets your body moving and your heart rate up. It may be what you exactly need on that busy day to feel better and who knows, maybe once you are out there you will keep going beyond three miles.  

2.  Cut out unnecessary activities

How much time do you waste on your phone each day?  If you are like me, probably a lot. For many of us it starts as soon as we wake up when we check our phone while still in bed.  Make it a habit of getting up without checking your phone and put on your running clothes.   

3. The Morning Run Guarantee

One of the only ways you can guarantee that nothing will get in the way of your run is by doing it before anything else in the day.  It requires waking up a little earlier and possibly going to bed earlier as well, but it will make your run a sure thing.

4. Sharing the kid duties with spouse/partner 

Our community with kids have all told us that trading kit duties for running is a huge help in saving time for a run.  Teamwork is necessary.

5. Plan it and Write it down

Don't have a running journal or calendar?  Turns out that writing things down makes us much more likely to commit to that task. Write down your schedule each week and check it off each day.  Check out our running journal here.


And for our complete guide on Owning Time and making your daily run happen download below.



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