Territory Friday Favorites: Justin Grunewald's Playlist

Have you ever wondered what your favorite runners listen to? We have, so we decided to ask!
Justin Grunewald is a Minneapolis based trail and ultra runner, with an impressive resume of race finishes and an even more impressive resume of FKT's. Justin is fast, but he is also extremely humble and down to earth. He runs for his foundation in honor of Gabriele Grunewald: Brave Like Gabe, which supports rare cancer research, empowers and inspires survivors to be active, and has given thousands of people hope...something we all need more of.
We reached out to Justin to see what he has been listening to lately:

Click the link below to listen to Justin's playlist on Spotify, and be sure to check out Brave Like Gabe to learn more about how you can help end rare cancers.
Justin's Territory Run Playlist