The Morning Ritual

Early this morning I rolled out of bed and laced up my shoes.
I ran through sleepy neighborhoods, and smiled as the sun popped up over the horizon.
Lately, I've been trying to get a run in every morning.
My morning ritual looks like this:
- Don't hit snooze and immediately get out the door for a run.
- Come back and do some push ups and plank followed by 10 minutes of mediation.
- Quick shower
- Make breakfast and coffee.
- Journal for at least 5 minutes while sipping on coffee.
Taking that time for myself each morning sets the tone for my entire day - and I've been happier, more productive, and focused as a result.
That's why I'm so excited about our Morning Manifesto.
See, I know if I leave my mornings to chance, its likely I'll end up sleeping through my alarm, miss my run, and end up rushed and stressed for the rest of the day.
But if I set the day up right - boom!
Everything slips into place.
It all starts with a powerful morning, and the Morning Manifesto gives you our top tactics and strategies to make your morning ritual a success.
And I want to know what makes your morning's start off right. Share your tips in the comments below.