Uphill Strength Workout for Runners

Uphill Strength Workout for Runners

Dr. Parker Farabee

Neuro Base Camp

Have you ever felt limited in your trail running by the uphill sections? Try adding this circuit workout a few times a week to strengthen the important muscles for pushing uphill.

Dr. Parker Farabee is a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, and runner in Portland, OR.  He is the co-owner of Neuro Base Camp Physical Therapy. When he isn't in the clinic he enjoys hiking, backpacking, camping, and road trips with his wife and three dogs.

Neuro Base Camp provides specialized physical therapy to athletes of all levels to promote longevity and performance.  Our focus is on improving the brain-body connection and achieving better strength, balance, coordination, and movement patterns. We offer injury prevention, injury rehab, and customized strength programs designed for runners.

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