Sawna Guadarrama
I don't really consider what I do "running" but more of "adventuring". Everyday I'm motivated by this energy to get out to the many places my body can take me and that has fueled me in my pursuits and ambitions in trail running, hiking and just being outside in the mountains. I have built this immense passion for being outdoors, working hard, building my fitness and seeing these beautiful places that my feet can take me. It's not how fast I can go but where I go that fuels my day to day activity. I have endless stoke for my bodies ability to run, for it has brought me to the most incredible places, it has introduced me to the most gracious and kind hearted people, and it leaves me with a sore face from smiling to much from all the fun that has been had.

Achievements: Race/Aventure finishes
It's rather difficult for me to put into words what I consider accomplishments. I am very proud of how far I've gotten in my idea of what's important in life, my passions and what I prioritize on what fuels my day to day life.
The two moments I'm most proud of this year have to be finishing Javelina Jundred this past October despite the three degit record heat and with only missing my P.R. by 60 seconds. And most importanly spending a few weeks in Colorado over the summer and climbing 14kers with my pup Juniper.
2017 Race/Adventure goals/plans
My 2017 has been quite a build up for some time. Each year I begin with new goals that reflect similar ideas of the last few years, a lifestyle I'd like to continue if not improve on. Despite a set back in the beginning of this year, a minor injury that put me on the sidelines, I would like to remain present in the moment, because everything is temporary- moments, feelings, experiences, relationships are constantly changing. I want to continue waking up in the morning with a goal, a goal that will inspire me to do more good, train smarter, eat healther, be nicer, smile bigger, laugh more, hug harder and just be the best version of myselft constantly. I consider everyday an adventure, however, this years most mountainous goals would have to include signing up for my longest footrace to date: Fatdog 120 in August. Before that I plan on running Gorge Waterfalls 100k in April, Beacon Rock 50k in June and traveling back to Colorado with my pup Juniper to climb more mountains, frolick in more meadows and enjoy some great lanscape the state has to offer.
Where I live:
Hollywood, California.
Home Trails:
This is a question I get asked very frequently and I still have yet decided on a exact answer.
This past year I've devoted a plethora of time to exploring new trails which has been an incredible experience. I've grown to love these new places and terrains however nothing pulls my heartstrings more than the locals trails here in the San Gabriel Mountains. If I would have to say my favorite- I frequent two peaks the most but from various trails. Strawberry peak and Mt. Baldy(peak), both in the San Gabriel mountains, have almost any range of difficulty level you may seek and the views are breathtaking. Not only are the trails in these Los Angeles mountains stunning, but it's a mere 45 minute drive away, you can run up to 10,000 feet and they're the most dog friendly bunch you'll find.