How to Stay Injury Free- Yassine Diboun as your Guide
photo by Cortney White
Yassine Diboun has had almost 100 ultramarathon finishes, 12 finishes at the 100-mile distance and a Western States top 10 finisher in 2013.
In addition to his impressive resume, what makes him stand out is the very few injuries he has had over his career. Yassine will break down what he thinks is absolutely crucial to staying injury free in this sport.
This interview was recorded before the murder of George Floyd so we didn't touch on the subject however Yassine has written a powerful article in Trail Runner Magazine and had a great discussion on the Ginger Runner Live that you should definitely check out.
Yassine has also written an article for us all about his routine for staying injury free here.
Finally. if you are looking to learn more from Yassine check out Head for the Hills- an online course by Wy'east Wolfpack for improving your abilities to travel up and down hills and mountains more efficiently.